Document Imaging
Executive Dashboards
NeoPaper is now an official AllState service provider. Contact us for more information!

The Process

Creating an effective dashboard requires more than basic technical skills and abilities. First and foremost, it is important to understand the business as well as what needs to be measured.


Only what is measured gets improved.
One of the first step in managing a business is to identify the Key Performance Indicators (commonly known as KPI). These are essentially the aspects of a business that managers look at to find out how the business is doing. Typically businesses have more than one KPI and KPI vary from one business to the next, but in general, KPI will include some of the following aspects:

  • Gross profit
  • ROI
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Cap rate
  • Order processing costs
  • Marketing expenditure efficiency

Once the KPI are identified, the next step is to determine objectives, measures, targets and initiatives for each. With the appropriate business processes, these will allow the business to grow it's customer base, and shine from a financial standpoint.


The get to a dashboard that is both informative and useful, our team will schedule time to meet with key operatives in your team and analyze the situation at hand. With your help, we will then determine the areas that need to be investigated (KPI) and determine where to obtain data to measure those aspects.

The next step is the actual creation of the visual aspect of the dashboard. In order to get a dashboard that is appealing, easy to understand and actionable, you will be presented with different mockups to further refine the report. The final product is a tool that you can use on a daily basis, from the office or on the road, and will keep you informed at all times about the aspects of your business that are critical to its success.

Try some of the examples on our site and contact us to find out how we can help you manage the growth of your business.